Thursday, July 11, 2013

What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

Fruit sometimes gets a bad rap in the weight loss world because it has sugar. However, fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial to your health and can help create satiety, which is infinitely better for you than many other choices. A proper diet usually falls back to the idea of balance, but it does [...]

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fruits to help fat loss What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

Fruit sometimes gets a bad rap in the weight loss world because it has sugar. However, fruit contains many nutrients that are beneficial to your health and can help create satiety, which is infinitely better for you than many other choices.

A proper diet usually falls back to the idea of balance, but it does pay to be cautious when you’re working on getting leaner to achieve your weight loss goals. So, our experts give their tips on what to add to your diet and what to avoid in terms of fruit to maintain the healthiest diet possible to reach your goals.

Best Fruits For Weight Loss #1 – Strawberries

 What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

I think eating fruit in moderation is great for fat loss because it can effectively help control calorie intake while providing essential vitamins and minerals. My top 3 favorite fruits are strawberries, apples, and grapefruits. A cup of strawberries only has 50 calories and 7 grams of sugar, yet provides 3 grams of fiber. What I also love about strawberries (and all berries) is they satisfy your sweet/sugar cravings as well, and they boast a very impressive nutrient profile. An apple is only 100 calories, is easy to carry around, and makes a great pre-workout snack. After that is grapefruit because it has been shown to help control blood sugar, it really helps fill you up, and I love the taste (See: Healthy Breakfast Ideas).

- Marc Perry, CSCS, CPT

Best Fruits For Weight Loss #2 – Berries

 What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

Berries such as blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries are packed full of nutrients and are lower in sugar than other types of fruit such as mangos or bananas. That’s why berries are often lauded as great fat-burning foods. However, fruit in general can help people achieve their fat loss goals. Fruits are nutrient-dense and low calorie, and they help keep a sweet-tooth under control. The fiber in fruit helps with satiety and also slows down the digestion and absorption of fructose, the fruit sugar. With all the vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants they provide, fruit is a great food to incorporate into your diet.

- Kristin Rooke

Best Fruits For Weight Loss #3 – Any Fruit

 What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

Any fruit is my short answer. Fruits tend to be about 100 calories per serving, don’t spike insulin very high, tend to be high in fiber, are generally a decent source of vitamins and are filling for the amount of calories they contain. I personally like berries, such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc and organic apples, but really all the fruits have different advantages and eating an overall variety throughout the week can be beneficial.

- John Levya, CSCS, CPT

Best Fruits For Weight Loss #4 – Avocado

 What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

Although fruits are highly nutritious and tasty in most cases they won’t necessarily help with fat-loss even though they are part of an overall healthy diet. One fruit that may in fact help with fat-loss in most people are avocados. Most people follow a restricted carbohydrate diet but fail to increase their fat content to keep their bodies and metabolisms operating optimally. Per fruit, avocados have about 20 grams of healthy fats which over the course of a day is relatively low. Higher fat will not only increase metabolism but also increase testosterone levels which is one of the main hormones responsible in fat loss for both men AND women.

- Stephen Bergeron, CSCS, CPT

Best Fruits For Weight Loss #5 – Grapefruit

 What Are The Best Fruits To Eat For Weight Loss?

The best fruits to eat for fat loss are the ones that will allow you to eat fewer calories than you burn. For example, although a banana is higher in sugar and calories than a handful of grapes, if eating a banana will make it less likely that you will raid the vending machine in search of a Snicker’s bar, it is a better choice. Lifestyle issues aside, my pick for best fat-burning food is grapefruit. Grapefruit’s high water content helps increase feelings of fullness while providing very few calories. In fact, it takes more energy t digest grapefruit than it contains in calories. While this does not mean someone can eat grapefruit along with anything else he or she pleases and lose weight, adding it to a well-balanced nutrition plan will certainly aid in fat loss.

- Charlie Seltzer, MD

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